Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mr Partha Chatterjee MLA West Bengal

The Camp was priviledged by the presence
of the Opposition leader Mr Partha Chatterjee

Mr Chatterjee with the donors certificate.
Mr Chatterjee talking to the people at the Camp

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Health Check up & Blood Donation camp 26/1/2010

Our beloved President Mr Joydeep Mukherjee single handedly
took up the charge. It was his sole intention to do some thing on

A Free Health check up camp & a blood donation camp was organized
on the same ground with the collaboration of B.B. PODDAR HOSPITAL

The group welcomes a new member Mr Indranil Mazumdar who
pledged to be part of the mission.

the blood donation certificate presented to the

People donating blood

V.P of Ag88batch handing over the certificates
to the donors.

the token mementos which were handed out to
the donors.

The President with the new man in (Joy & Indranil)

The line in front of the free health check up room

Subhasish & Indranil in front of the memento table

The rush hour

The B.B. PODDER Dr busy in their service

the rush time

the dr busy on his job

Joy and Indranil busy co-ordinating

Joy attends the blood donors

The Director B.B.PODDAR handing out the
mementos to a donor.

Joy bids farewell to the doctors.

Subhasish takes his time out at the end.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Catching the Rainbow

Some of us must have dreamt of catching a colorful rainbow
when we were kids but never did. But we found kids who did.

BEHALA NUTAN DAL ( The famous puja committee) had
organized a sit and draw competition and a cultural program,
together with 12 reputed schools which caters to physically &
mentally challenged children through out Bengal.

our heartiest thanks to joy who initiated the plan with the club
where we were invited to contribute in our own little way to
these rainbow kids.

24th jan 2010 will always remain as a Rainbow day for all of us.
Thanks to Bips, Rajesh, Rambo for pushing us ahead.

Rambo, bips, rajesh & Joy @ Nutan dal club office

The rainbow kid ( a Mongoloid boy)

our rainbow girl ( a Mongoloid girl)

a mentally retarded boy

Happy hours 4 Joy & Rajesh

They can do every thing if treated just the same

Bips and Rambo

She did it

The kid filling up colors in the drawing competition

The gathering

The Treasurer checking down with the V.P, Rajesh

The competition ground

The batch with the club member

The gathering

In front of Nutan dal

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Emergency kick off jan2010

With the last spell of the windy winter, the batch kicked off
calling an emergency meeting on 21st jan 2010.

Well they had an extraordinary visitor, their own infamous
TOM THUMB (Sovan De who is now Sri Sovan Kr Dey) according
to High court registration.

This Horizontal escalation was sort of revenge Mr De undertook
to defy his genetic inefficiency of laddering vertically.
Rambo saluted him with a trim by chopping of his extra and
exposing the real T T.

Thanks to Sovan for accepting the presidential approval of being
our money tracker. He has accepted to keep the A/c record of the kolkata

Sovan Before the trim

The group snap with Mr de after the shave

the real sovan a thoughtful moment

Well general shares his moments with Sovan

the president and the Vice - president who kept
us steadily ahead.

the accounts fiasco or someone got a love letter?

one for all and all for one.